
10 Things You Should Do This Ramadan

Posted on: 23rd Apr 2020

As we are entering the holy month of Ramadan, these are some things you can do to make the best of the holy month.

1. Avoid food waste

As you fast this Ramadan, you can avoid food waste by freezing excesses, reuse leftovers, and blend overripe fruits with yogurt or milk to make smoothies for Sahur. Frozen smoothie is safe to drink according to Juice Buff.


2. Offer support to friends and neighbors

This Ramadan, offer financial help to friends and neighbors in need and reach out to new Muslims from out of town who may feel alone. Encourage them with calls and kind words to keep them motivated throughout Ramadan.


3. Unplug from worldly things

In Ramadan, our spiritual needs should take priority. This holy month, make effort to unplug or reduce the time and attention spent viewing the television, internet, and all social media channels. Give more time to your spiritual growth and encourage family members to do the same.



4. Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of fluids such as water, freshly squeezed juice, or milk, this will prevent dehydration and provide your body with the essential fluids it needs.


5. Exchange gifts

The world can only be a better place if we help each other, in return Allah rewards us in both worlds. So exchange gifts with each other this Ramadan.


6. Read the Quran

Reflect on the Quran to get closer to Allah this Ramadan, every time you read or listen to the Quran, you will uncover more benefits in this world and in the hereafter.


7. Eat at the right time

In this holy month of Ramadan, always observe sahur and iftar at the appropriate time, these meals keep you nourished through the long fast.


8. Observe your prayers

As you fast this Ramadan, always observe your 5 daily salats and don’t forget your taraweeh every night.


9. Make Dua

As you fast this Ramadan, always observe Nafilah at least 2 rakats every night. It’s the best time for making Dua.


10. Ask for forgiveness

This Ramadan, make it a point of duty to be steadfast. The lockdown is a good time to renew your relationship with Allah without the distraction of daily life.

Lastly, you should check out our Takaful plans for ethical insurance consistent with the dictates of Islam.


May almighty Allah answer our prayers.


Do Not Let COVID-19 Lock You Down

Posted on:

Staying indoors can be frustrating but it can also present the opportunity to discover something unique about yourself that will transform your life and your goals. For many, playing เล่นเกมออนไลน์ที่ UFABET can be a way to unwind and escape, but it can also reveal skills, interests, and problem-solving abilities that can translate into real-life goals and achievements.

How do you discover your life purpose during this lockdown?

  1. Write down your 5-year plan

Write down everything you would like to achieve in the next five years, then break them into smaller goals. It does not matter how big your goals are, just write them down.

For example, if you want to double your income, you need to break down to how much you must achieve each year to get to your long-term goal.


  1. Find Your Natural Turf

People often overlook the talents or traits that come naturally to them.

Think about what you could be doing with your unique talents and explore those things, no matter how mundane they seem. The easier it is for you, the likelier you have a calling in that area.


  1. Explore New Things

Take up hobbies including searching for the best game apps to make money or even learn new ways of doing old things. You could discover something you enjoy in the process.

This lockdown is the best time to take up music, arts, cooking, business, writing, strategy, games like 토토커뮤니티 or anything else that holds your interest.


  1. Explore your Passion.

Sometimes, we hear stories that connect to us on an emotional level.

Your purpose may lie in the causes that stir your emotions deeply enough for you to try to want to do something about it.

For example, a passion for volunteer work points to a bigger purpose in humanitarian work.


  1. Seek the opinion of your closest connections

Self-realization takes seeing yourself through the eyes of the people that know you the most.

Ask those around you what they think about you and what they feel you might be interested in.


  1. Get a mentor

Now is a great opportunity to seek out someone you admire and respect to mentor you.

There is a lot of time to have deep, long conversations and work on personal and professional growth. A mentor could help you grow towards your purpose in life.


  1. Read Widely


According to Mark Twain, a renowned writer and lecturer “The person who won’t read has no advantage over the one who can’t read.” 

Reading can help you work through feelings. The words you read can uplift, entertain and elevate your mood, making you feel happier. You learn about different people, different places, different cultures, and different beliefs. You understand the intricacies of human behavior, actions and that makes you a better decision-maker


  1. Secure Tomorrow

While working on today, pay attention to tomorrow. One of the easiest ways to do so is by getting a life insurance plan to ensure that no matter how the future goes, you and your loved ones are safe and secure.

Let’s help you get started on this journey.



COVID-19: Living Through Anxious Moments

Posted on: 17th Apr 2020

It is almost impossible to do anything right now without hearing the word “coronavirus.” The anxiety is real and growing, especially with the extended lockdown period.  Most of the time, anxiety is connected with sleep disorders, and to be able to fight with this problem, you need to be comfortable with your bed, especially with your mattress. You should invest in a premium-quality mattress like the Tempur-Pedic Mattress Review, which can give you ample sleep.

While it is normal to be worried, anxiety does more harm than good. So how do you clear your head and make the best out of this challenging situation?

1. Screen all the information you see

As much as there is information, there is also misinformation. Stick to trusted sources such as the NCDC, WHO and relevant government authorities. Compulsively checking the news and social media for updates will fuel your anxiety rather than ease it.

2. Focus on the things you can control

There are so many uncertainties right now, but focusing on questions with unknown answers and circumstances you cannot control is overwhelming. Instead of allowing yourself to get caught in the fear of what might happen, focus on what you can completely control like keeping yourself healthy, tracking your finances and following the health guidelines of NCDC while you observe the lockdown/social distancing.

3. Be intentional about finding calmness

You have to become proactive about finding ways to calm the storm in your head. For some, taking up meditation helps, while others find calm in talking to loved ones, learning music from this page helps, listening to music also helps, and so does writing down the things you’re grateful for every day. Find what works for you.

4. Plan for life

Etiquette For Online Work Meetings


While we are positive that we will all get over this trying time together, you need to plan for tomorrow. You should think of investing in a life insurance plan to keep you secure and confident about the future.

Want to know more about this? Let’s talk today: send us a message on WhatsApp 08130858310 or email

Check out these 5 steps to stay ahead despite the Coronavirus pandemic


5 Steps To Stay Ahead Despite The Coronavirus Pandemic

Posted on: 1st Apr 2020

second quarter of the year

COVID-19 has imposed a lockdown on all of us, but like others before it, the pandemic will pass and our world will regain a semblance of normalcy. Truth be told, we know that things will not go back to exactly how they were, but the second quarter of the year has rolled in and if you want to succeed in 2020, you just can’t afford to wait.

So, how do you hit post-lockdown life running? We have some action points for you to start working on today to put you at an advantage in this second quarter of the year.

1. Don’t wait

second quarter of the year

Now that you are at home, make strategic decisions that will change your life for the better. Don’t procrastinate. Make the tough decisions now. This is the best timing for a home improvement project, and I loved this idea of having enough time to organize everything at home, including the cheap window replacement at Maverick Windows.

2. Diversify your Income:

second quarter of the year

One stream of income may not be the best idea right now. With investments or a side business like looking for things to sell from product sourcing for amazon, you can always come out on top. There are lots of ideas flying around right now, find one that works for you and run with it! The second quarter of the year could be your game-changer.

3. Learn a New Skill

second quarter of the year

Your skills could determine whether you will emerge a winner after this situation. Netflix and relaxation time is important, but learning is the surest way to thrive. Add a relevant skill to your arsenal to increase your chances in the business environment. Take advantage of online learning resources and skill up!

4. Stay Healthy

second quarter of the year

Health is everything. Pay attention to your health and that of your loved ones, especially now. Do some exercises, drink lots of water and eat green and rest to boost your immunity.

5. Protect Your Tomorrow

second quarter of the year

Today is all you have to build a comfortable tomorrow, and one of the surest ways to protect your tomorrow is by ensuring that come what may, the future works for you and your loved ones. Life insurance protects you and the people you love and ensures that their lives will go according to plan, whether you are there or not.

For example, with a little amount of money paid annually, the African Alliance Investment Plus Plan provides you with an added advantage over saving your money in a bank. You could earn a significant amount of interest and enjoy an additional life cover up to N1,000,000!

Want to know how this works? Shoot us a mail at, we are always available to help you.

As always, at  African Alliance, we are invested in protecting your future. Stay safe!

While you observe social distancing, check out our tips to increase productivity while working from home.

Keep up with us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


Parenting in a Pandemic: Ten (10) Ways To Keep Your Children Occupied At Home

Posted on: 27th Mar 2020

parenting in a pandemic

Being stuck at home with your kids because of the pandemic doesn’t mean you have to lose your sanity or drive your kids bonkers with boredom. With a little planning, you can cope through these unique challenges and as always, we have tips to help parents go through this phase as stress-free as possible.



5 CyberSecurity Tips You Need When Working Remotely

Posted on: 25th Mar 2020

CyberSecurity Tips

With the lockdown and more people logging into work from home, there has been an increase in the activities of hackers taking advantage of the situation to gain access into people’s private accounts. Home security networks might not have the same protection that office online accounts have, and this creates a porous system that has been exploited by hackers.

There have been serious security breaches in South Africa. Closer to home, the Nigerian Police Force warned about these security risks in a series of tweets, and cyber experts Tech Cabal have also released a report on the recent rise in cybercrime.

Note these cybersecurity tips so that you are not vulnerable to these threats:

1. Separate work and home devices

CyberSecurity Tips

If you can, use different devices for work and personal activities. It is easier to keep passwords and work details separate, especially when your work contains sensitive information. If you are a service provider, hiring a cyber security company will ensure safety of customer data and assist in helping out with any technical problems users may face.

2. Use different passwords

CyberSecurity Tips

One mistake people often make is using one password across different accounts. We agree that it is easier to remember, but it could also turn into a security risk. Create strong passwords for different accounts to prevent a breach that could leak your personal details.

3. Set up 2-step authentication

Instead of one password to log into your work accounts, set up two-step authentication. Google allows you to create a password or code that can be sent to your phone to confirm that you are logging into your account.

4. Use a VPN if you have to connect to a network that you don’t trust

CyberSecurity Tips

A VPN is a virtual private network that you can use to mask your device’s IP address. It protects your devices from hackers and phishing. As technology advances, so do the tactics of cybercriminals, making computer crimes increasingly complex. Hiring a computer crime lawyer with experience in this area can give you an advantage in defending yourself against these charges.

Get in touch with Blacklight Software for your software development needs.

5. Use only your company’s approved sites for work calls and messages

CyberSecurity Tips

This includes applications, browsers and anti-virus software. Ask your company IT department or your managed services provider for guidance if needed.

Protecting your online presence is important, but so is practising good online meeting etiquette and so we put together tips to guide you.

While you #StaySafe by staying indoors, catch up with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for more exciting content!


COVID-19: 5 Tips For Staying Productive While Working From Home

Posted on:

second quarter of the year

Working remotely is a challenge for most people who depend on the office environment to keep them going at work. It sounds like fun when you don’t have to wake up at the crack of dawn to commute to work, and your bed is always available, but working from home can become boring, unproductive and even lonely. One such challenge is dealing with the potential for distractions in the home environment, including unwanted pests. To ensure a productive and pest-free workday, it’s important to consider reliable pest control services such as pest control mishawaka, to keep your workspace free of any unwelcome visitors. Additionally, if you’re experiencing any plumbing issues, it’s best to go to Sarkinen Plumbing for reliable plumbing services.

With the expertise provided by your plumber, you can rest assured that your plumbing problems will be taken care of promptly and efficiently, leaving you to focus on your work without any disruptions. If you wish to opt your concern and issues regarding pipes and plumbing, then look at this web-site immediately.



Keep Yourself Safe From COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Posted on: 23rd Mar 2020

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading fast, and it is up to you to keep yourself and the people around you safe from the virus.

Follow the steps below to protect yourself in line with WHO directives:

1. Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer when hand washing is not possible.

2. Do not touch your face.

3. Practice social distancing.

4. If you have the flu, isolate yourself for at least 14 days and report to the NCDC if symptoms persist.

5. If you have to, sneeze or cough into a tissue and dispose of it immediately and teach children how to do the same.

6. If there is no tissue, sneeze into an envelope or the crook of your elbow.

7. Educate your domestic staff and children on proper handwashing techniques and how to protect themselves.

8. Make sure your utensils are properly washed through your dishwasher. If ever your dishwasher needs repair, you can visit a good site like for help. Also, make sure that the dishwasher passes through the appliance safety assessments.

9. Encourage elderly relatives and neighbors to stay at home and practice social distancing as they are more at risk of infection with the coronavirus.

10. You can shop isolation gowns at Nobles Health Care Product Solutions.

Check out our social media channels for more on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

For more on coronavirus and how African Alliance is dealing with the pandemic, check out this message from our CEO Funmi Omo.


COVID-19: A Message From Our MD/CEO

Posted on: 21st Mar 2020

Coronavirus COVID19

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has changed the way we do business.

As a socially conscious organization with your best interests at heart, we have joined the rest of the world in taking proactive steps towards halting the spread of the virus in order to maintain your safety as well as that of our employees.

First, we have activated our Business Continuity Plan to ensure minimal disruption to our business in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically: Our business premises nationwide have upgraded to health and safety best practices to limit the transmission of this virus. This includes regular updates to staff and indeed customers on how to stay safe during these times and the steps to take in case of any emergency. We have provided hand sanitizers at all entry and exit points as well as all the floors and offices within our premises. We also encourage regular handwashing at intervals.

We have already concluded the necessary steps to ensure we can work seamlessly remotely should there be an undoubted need to. This is in line with best practices and we are committed to seeing this through as necessary.

However, while we advise social distancing, do not forget the basic tips to staying safe in these times:

1. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.

2. If in public gatherings or transport systems, wear masks, such as an n95 mask.

3. It is advised to avoid all forms of public gatherings at this point.

4. Avoid touching your face and seek early medical care if you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing,

Do stay on top of the situation by regularly updating yourself with information from trusted sources like the World Health Organisation and the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control as well as the Federal Ministry of Health.

COVID-19 is real. Stay safe, stay alive. In all of these, be sure of one thing: We are with YOU for life.

Funmi Omo

MD/CEO, African Alliance PLC.

Stay in the loop with us on social media: we are on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn!


Working Remotely? 6 Useful Etiquette For Online Work Meetings

Posted on: 20th Mar 2020

Etiquette For Online Work Meetings

It has been a tough year so far, but coronavirus or not, life doesn’t wait! Find out how to come out on top this year despite the virus.

With the pandemic, most of us have come to depend on emails and video calls for work correspondence. Having virtual meetings might be unchartered water for you, but these etiquette points will guide you through your online meetings.

1. Remove distractions

Etiquette For Online Work Meetings


Children, technology, other family members could become a distraction during online meetings. Tell them about your meeting ahead of time and have a dedicated workspace to create boundaries.

2. Go through the meeting agenda

Etiquette For Online Work Meetings

Meeting organisers should send the agenda well ahead of the meeting, and if they don’t, then you can reach out to them to ask for the agenda. Being prepared before the meetings starts is very important.

3. Make the effort to dress up

Etiquette For Online Work Meetings

If your meeting is over video call, then try to dress in work-proper clothes. You don’t have to glam up, but you should look presentable and be mindful of the others on the call. What you would not wear were you having a physical, official call, do not wear on a work video call. A messenger bag for men leather is appropriate to wear on work meetings.

4. Double-check your devices

Etiquette For Online Work Meetings


Check your phone battery, headphones/earpiece, laptop battery, and WiFi to ensure they are in good working condition before the meeting starts, if you are requiring better quality in your mobile line, see here these phone plans. You may also consider AT&T Bundles that are very affordable.

If you need a Business wifi repair, you can count on both installation and repair services from Treasure Valley IT.

5. Follow basic conversation rules

Etiquette For Online Work Meetings

Just because the meeting is virtual does not mean that it is not a real conversation. Don’t interrupt team members to make a point. Mute your device if you’re not speaking to avoid interference from background noise. Remain polite but direct when you have to speak.

6. Join the meeting on time

Etiquette For Online Work Meetings

You do not want to be the team member that everyone keeps waiting for on the call. Dial into your call at least a few minutes early.

Working from home might be challenging, but we have some tested and trusted tips to help you keep up productivity and if you have children, our tips for parenting in a pandemic will come in handy this period.

While you #StaySafe by staying indoors, catch up with us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for more exciting content!

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